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posted 9/19/2009 13:35

It was a great time for seeking alternatives.  When I finished high school it was 1974, and there was always a demonstration to attend.  After the demonstration, we would discuss it all and dance at a bar or a party.  I was in a young theatre troupe at the time, helping to stage ‘socially aware’ […]

posted 9/18/2009 15:28

My mother left my father when I was just a toddler. After that, I met my father only once at twelve; we corresponded briefly and then I didn’t hear from him again until I decided to search him out when I was 38 years old. I found him; we arranged to meet.  It was a […]

posted 9/18/2009 14:41

Whenever I become frustrated with work; whenever I want to reach out and shake someone to help them “see”, I try to think of this quote from W. H. Auden’s poem, “the Age of Anxiety” (1948) We would rather be ruined than changed We would rather die in our dread Than climb the cross of […]

posted 9/18/2009 14:17

Einstein said that God doesn’t play dice with the Universe. We do. And we usually lose.

posted 9/18/2009 13:14

the celts knew how to celebrate these things. swaying, every tendon stretched to the snapping point pulling at each other in a great demonic circle, bare feet blue, trampling the snow, shrieking as if to curdle the slate-grey skies. …. while some fell where they stood others crawled off to caves coupling like animals, moaning […]

posted 9/15/2009 19:18

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posted 9/15/2009 19:12

There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.

posted 9/8/2009 11:08

As to smiling, and kindness, this is something I have spent the last twenty or more years exploring, because I have never felt myself to be a “naturally kind” person.  So, early in my twenties, I decided I wanted to become so, and over the last thirty years of working at it, I’ve learned some […]